Thursday, June 30, 2016

Baba's Storytime - Don't Chase the Shadow

On a hot day, a man was walking along the road.  The afternoon sun was scorching and the shadows had already started lengthening.  The man was thirsty and could not see any water source to quench his thirst.  Fortunately for him, he saw a tall coconut tree throwing a long shadow in front of him. There were lots of coconuts visible in the shadow and he thought he would quench his thirst with some coconut water.  He went to the top of the shadow and tried to pluck a coconut from the shadow.  Obviously he could not get one.

He realised his stupidity and with great difficulty, he climbed up the real tree and got hold of a coconut and was drinking the water!  Then a great truth dawned upon him.  Instead of running after the worldly life, which is only a shadow of the Reality, if we anchor to the substance itself, our needs in the material world will also be automatically taken care of.

If we run after the world, the world runs away from us, but if we turn away from the world, the world runs after us.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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