Thursday, September 29, 2016

Picnics at Kodaikanal

"Swami takes boys to the nearby mountain area for a picnic with food packets.  They all sit in the form of a circle. Swami talks to them in a very informal way. There small slips are picked up.  And on the slips are written various items.  "You tell a story, you sing a song, you tell a joke" like that.  The number of slips will be equal to the number of boys and the elders who are present there.  And these slips are picked up by each and every one.  And everyone has to necessarily do what is written there.

Once it so happened, Prof. Sampath was in the group.  He was a scientist par excellence.  He was very well known in national and international circles.  He was a man of wit and humour.  When he picked up the slip, it was written - you sing a song.  He said, "Swami, should I sing a song? Can I be exempted?"

Swami said, smilingly, "I cannot help it.  That is what your slip says."  He was not used to singing at all. He started singing in his hoarse voice and everybody including Swami had a hearty laugh."

(As related by Sri Anil Kumar - S.S. May 2006)

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