Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Baba's Storytime - The Last Thought

Once, there was a .man whose devotion was great. He had four sons. In order that their names may help him to remember the Lord, he had named them Govindha, Naaraayana, Krishna and Raama. He thought that he could, on some pretext or other, have the Lord's name on his tongue. 

To facilitate his plan, he started a factory and kept all of them busily employed there, so that they could respond to his calling them by name. 

The day when he had to yield to death arrived, he called Govindha; the son came near saying, "Father! I am here." He called Naaraayana; "I am here, father;" he too stood by his bed. He called Raama; Raama came to him and asked him what he desired to confide in him. Finally he called Krishna. He too bent low and wished to know what message the father had for him. He said, "Don't hesitate, tell me what you want to say." 

Seeing around him all the four sons, the dying man's mind was seized with anxiety. He blurted out "All of you are here! Who is in the factory?" 

Those were his last words. That was his last thought. When one is involved in the world, only worldly thoughts will emerge at the end. 

To those who yearn with full heart for the Lord at that time, the Lord will present Himself. So, one has to attach oneself to kith and kin and respect them so long as one is concerned with the world. One must need to humour them. But one must offer unstinted love and loyalty all through life to the Lord alone. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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