Friday, July 21, 2017

Baba's Storytime - Reflection

Both praise and blame pertain only to the body. If you respond to it, that means you are accepting the contents thereof. If he does not receive it, it goes back to the sender. So also, you do not react to the abuse or criticism leveled by some one else against you. Then it goes back to him. What you see is only your own reflection The accusation or abuse one makes against you is only a reflection of his mind, which is filled with hatred. 

Krishna asked Duryodhana for help. Duryodhana exclaimed, “How is it, Krishna, that you are asking for my help? It is only we who seek your help.” 

But Krishna told him, “I want you to go round the whole kingdom and find out if there is any good person.” Duryodhana set out on his journey and, after going round the kingdom, returned to Krishna’s place and informed him, “Krishna! I did not find even a single good person anywhere. If at all there is any one with some good quality, it must be only myself.” 

Krishna summoned Dharmaraja, the eldest son of Pandavas, and asked him to go round the kingdom and find out if there was any bad man. Dharmaraja returned after his survey of the kingdom and said, “Swami, I could not find even a single bad person. If at all there is any bad quality, it is in me only.” 

This proves that what you see is only your own reflection. Since, Duryodhana was essentially filled with wicked qualities, he could see the reflection of his own qualities in all. The condition of the world you see is dependent only on your vision. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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