Saturday, September 30, 2017

Divine Wisdom

Doubt Leads to Faith

During Dasara festival at Prasanthi Nilayam, the few Pandits who found their way to Puttaparthi were given the chance to expound passages from scriptures.  Baba blessed them with traditional gifts.  Musicians too arrived in order to be in His Holy Presence and they were allowed to showcase their talents.Baba responded with joy when the yearning for God reflected in the elaboration of a Raga or the rendering of a song.

Once during the festival, the famous vocalist, Honnappa Bhagavathar from Bangalore was singing.  Baba rose from His silver chair and sat next to him, on the dais, side by side with the artistes playing the instruments.  When the concert was over, Baba created a golden necklace for him and put it round his neck Himself.  

On his way back to Bangalore, Bhagavathar and his friends were assessing the carat value of the gold.  There were different estimates of its monetary worth.  Soon, they were confronted by a causeway over which flood waters were rushing furiously, blocking the traffic.  They had to halt overnight and stay in the vehicle itself.  Next morning when the waters receded, they could start the journey.

Honnappa Bhagavathar found to his astonishment that the necklace was no longer on his neck.  It was nowhere to be found.  It had vanished.  He decided to return to Puttaparthi and plead for pardon.

Before he reached Parthi, Baba gave all these details to Kasturi about the missing necklace.  Bhagavathar came to Baba, stood crestfallen, leaning on a pillar resisting sobs and tears.  When Baba came near him, the dam burst.

Baba patted him and caressed him for long.  "There was nothing wrong.  It was just what anyone would do.  Your friends too encouraged you.  Don't worry, I love you nonetheless.  I appreciate the doubt since it alone can confirm faith.  Well!  Here it is, again the same.  When I create anything, it is a part of Me and it has to return to Me," so saying, Baba waved His palm and the lost necklace was restored to the astonished penitent.  What a gorgeous way of blessing!

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Friday, September 29, 2017

Happy Vijaya Dashami

"Observe three maxims in life: 
Love of God, fear of sin and morality in society. 
Then, in all situations, God will stand by you."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Every Moment

"Every moment is auspicious if you dedicate your actions to God. 
If your mind is pure, other things do not matter."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 14.4.1995)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Planting Lettuce

“When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you 
don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not 
doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or 
less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have 
problems with our friends or family, we blame the other 
person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will 
grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive 
effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason 
and argument. That is my experience. No blame, no 
reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you 
understand, and you show that you understand, you can 
love, and the situation will change.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

Cultivate Mental Peace

"All the diseases which afflict man are the result of agitation in the mind. The enormous growth of disease in the world today is due to the loss of peace of mind. To get rid of illness and to lead a calm, healthy life, man has to cultivate mental peace."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Sai Madhuryam

Friday, September 22, 2017

Divine Wisdom

Baba's Storytime - Divine Leelas

Since ancient times, the nectarous principle of Krishna has fascinated young and old alike. Right from His advent, Krishna made people forget themselves in ecstasy with His divine pranks, enchanting music and inexpressible bliss. 

Krishna and Balarama, along with other cowherd boys, would take cows for grazing to the banks of the Yamuna and immerse themselves in fun and frolic. One day, the cowherd boys were lost in bliss as they were watching the divine pranks of Krishna. Consequently, they forgot the surroundings and their cows.  

As they were resting after grazing, all of a sudden, they felt hot wind blowing from all directions. They realised that they were being surrounded by wild fire. The raging conflagration was so intense that they were even unable to open their eyes and see. The cows started running helter-skelter, unable to bear the scorching heat. Nobody could control them. The intensity of heat became more and more every moment. 

Then the cowherd boys prayed to Krishna to come to their rescue. “Oh Krishna! You alone can extinguish this fire and save us.” 

Seeing their plight, Krishna laughed and said, “Oh cowherd boys! You have been moving with Me, playing with Me and enjoying the bliss. It is rather strange that you are fear-stricken even after experiencing My divinity. Many times in the past, you were witnesses to My slaying the demons sent by Kamsa. Then why are you afraid when I am with you?" 

“When you have the Kalpavriksha (wish-fulfilling tree) right in front of you, 
why do you desire for trivial things? 

When you have the Kamadhenu (wish-fulfilling cow) with you, 
where is the need to buy a cow? 

When you have the glittering Meru mountain with you, 
why do you crave for paltry silver and gold? 

Likewise, when you have the omnipotent Lord Krishna in you, with you and around you, 
why do you get panic over such a trivial matter?”

 (Telugu Poem) 

Krishna told them to close their eyes and contemplate on Him for a while. The cowherds implicitly obeyed His command. They closed their eyes and started chanting His name. The next moment, Krishna commanded them to open their eyes. Lo and behold! The wild fire had totally disappeared and all their cows were grazing as if nothing had happened. Their joy knew no bounds. They wanted to return to their respective homes at once and narrate the wonderful miracle that Krishna had performed. The cowherd boys had experienced many such miracles that proved the divinity of Krishna.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)


"Educare is bringing out the latent divinity in a human being. Whatever words you speak, you must watch whether they are the result of your education or Educare. Today, nobody is keeping this watch. 

I often refer to the spelling of the word, WATCH. The spelling consists of five letters, namely, 
W A T C H. These letters stand for: 

W - Watch your Words 
A - Watch your Actions 
T - Watch your Thoughts 
C - Watch your Character 
H - Watch your Heart 

The real watch is when you keep a watch on your words, actions, thoughts, character, and heart; not the one you tie to your wrist. The wrist-watch may go for repair, but the word ‘watch’ will never get spoiled. It will always bring purity of thought, word and deed. How great these words are! Education in the olden days contributed to making man a noble and ideal human being."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 20.11.2002)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Happy Navaratri

May the lights of Navaratri light up your home 
and bring you joy, love and peace!

Happy Navaratri!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Certainly We Miss You

Your Sweetest Arrival in Kulwant Hall,
Showering Limitless Grace on one and all
Now we miss such heavenly fortune, once for all.

Those Chuckling Pranks, those Loving Glance,
The Baffling Wonders of Magical Hands,
Now, we miss this Unique Chance.

Those blissful moments of physical presence,
The loving manner of teaching spiritual essence,
Certainly, we miss those wonderful lessons.

Though the Divine Glory will multiply in coming days,
That beautiful smile on Swami's face,
We are going to miss, as a human race.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Lovely Little Dog

Once a devotee family came from Nellore to Prasanthi Nilayam and waited for Bhagawan's Darshan facing the portico under His room above.  Bhagawan appeared on the balcony and asked them, "Where is the dog that took your son up the hill?"  Then the story came to light explaining Bhagawan's query.

It seemed that the son of the family left the house one night without any notice, a week earlier.
Since he was not in the best of health either physically or mentally, the parents were naturally very worried; they telegraphed to Bhagawan.  They searched all likely and unlikely places. They got some clue from someone that their son might have gone to Tirupati.  They hastened to the hill and arrived at the temple to discover the boy there! 

He had climbed the steps in spite of his ill health because he said a lovely little dog had inspired him and guided his steps.  It seemed that the dog appeared suddenly form nowhere just after he climbed the first few steps; it would climb 7 or 8 steps and sit looking affectionately towards the boy, encouraging him to do likewise, urging him on and showing to him that it was all so easy.  Without knowing how, the boy had followed the dog, talking to it and inspired by it, never doubting its intentions or its capability as a guide.  A few yards from the Gopuram of Sri Venkata Chalapathi temple, the dog melted away.

That was the story the son related to the astounded parents at Tirupati.  Sri N. Kasturi, who was present at Prashanti Nilayam when the parents had come, now understood the import of Bhagawan's question about the dog.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sai Blossoms

Sai Maata Pita

Sai Maata Pita Deena Bandhu Sakha
Tere Charano Mey Sai Mera Koti Pranam
Mujhe Shakti Do Hey Sai Shiva
Mujhe Bhakti Do Hey Sai Shiva
Mujhe Mukti Do Hey Sai Shiva

O Lord Sai!
Thou art the mother, father, kith, kin and friend
of forlorn ones.  
Million prostrations at Thy Lotus Feet. 
O Lord Sai Shiva!
Grant me strength, devotion and liberation.


A Change of Attitude

The story is told of a woman who during the war went to live with her husband in camp on the Mojave Desert. She simply hated the place; the heat was almost unbearable, 125 degrees in the shade, the wind blew incessantly, and there was sand – sand everywhere.

Finally, in desperation she wrote her parents in Ohio that she couldn’t stand it another minute and was coming home.
Quickly came the reply by airmail from her father – just the two familiar lines:

"Two men looked out from prison bars… one saw the mud, the other saw stars."
The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intellect but also with her heart. She decided to stick to her post.
She made friends with the natives, learned to love the country, and eventually wrote a book about it.
The desert hadn’t changed, but her attitude had. Because she listened with her heart to the words her father sent, a whole new world opened up to her.
(Author unknown)

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Quotable Quotes

“Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations.” 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Life is Like a Football Ground

"Life is like a football ground and each one of you a ball. Your good qualities like truth, righteousness, peace and love are on one side, and bad qualities like attachment, pride and hatred on the other. Both sides kick the ball and try to score a goal. The poor ball must suffer these kicks so long as it is bloated with the air of egoism in it. But once the air is let out, the kicks also stop."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Teachers' Training Camp, Brindavan, 25.7.1978)

Divine Wisdom

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Love of God

"Love of God does not mean giving up your normal duties. In the performance of these duties, every action should be done as an offering to God - Bhaagavath preethyartham (for the sake of pleasing God). Look upon the body as a moving temple, wherein God resides. Recognise that God is always with you and around you."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 25.12.1995)

Sai Madhuryam

All the objects in this visible universe are 
Extremely beautiful, attractive and pleasing. 
The Divine is immanent in the entire cosmos. 
The cosmos is filled with love. 
The Supreme Self is the embodiment of love; 
Hence if love encounters love they merge; 
Hence if you develop your love 
You become eligible to achieve Oneness with the Divine.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Quotable Quotes

Baba's Storytime - Atma is Not Affected by Abuse or Praise

In the Mahabharata when Sisupala abused Sri Krishna in Yudhishtira's audience hall and after Sisupala was slain by Sri Krishna, a flame emerged from Sisupala's body and merged in Sri Krishna.

Yudhishtira was surprised at this phenomenon. He questioned Narada how a vile enemy of Krishna like Sisupala could have such a glorious end as the merger of his spirit in Sri Krishna.

Narada explained as follows: "Abuse or praise relates only to the body and not to the Atma. The one Supreme Paramatma dwells in all beings. That being the case, who is the cavalier and who is it that is cavilled? Who is a friend and who is an enemy? All are the same. The blood that constantly remembers God becomes an offering to God., (This is a reference to the blood flowing from Sisupala's body to the feet of Sri Krishna). Whether out of hatred or jealousy or attachment, if the Lord's name is remembered that is sufficient. Sisupala remembered Sri Krishna's name more often than many devotees. Devotees remember the Lord at the time of worship alone. Sisupala in his intense hatred of Krishna, had Krishna in his mind all the time, whether waking or sleeping. It was because of this constant remembrance of Krishna's name that Sisupala's soul could merge in Krishna."

Laymen look only at the superficial aspects of things. The Lord does not see things that way. He is free from hatred or envy, likes and dislikes. When these are attributed to the Lord they are only a reflection of one's own feelings. God is like a mirror. What you see is only a reflection of your own action and posture. God neither punishes .nor rewards any one. Punishment or reward is the outcome of your own actions.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)


"As long as the mind exists, desires will persist. When desires are present, attachments and possessiveness cannot be got rid of. And these sustain the ego. While the ego lasts, the Atma cannot be experienced. Atmic knowledge, Atmic bliss and Atmic vision cannot be had till the Ego is eliminated."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 25.9.1990)

Monday, September 11, 2017

Earrings for a Boy

Once during Darshan, a student from Kerala was sitting in front of Swami with a long face.  He was absorbed in deep thought, with his attention focused on Swami.

Swami turned to him and asked, "Why are you sitting with a castor oil face?  Why are you so serious?"

So saying, Swami materialised a pair of earrings and gave them to him.  Even as everyone around him was wondering why Swami had presented earrings to a boy, Swami materialised another pair of rings and gave those also to the same boy.  

Inquisitive as he was, Prof. Anil Kumar asked Swami why He gave two sets of earrings to a boy and said that he had three daughters.  If Swami had given that gift to him, it would have been useful.

Even as doubts rain in the minds of everyone around, Swami chided Anil Kumar saying, "I know whom to give what, where and when.  The boy's mother had died leaving behind her two daughters. She had desired to make earrings for both of the but her wish could not be fulfilled.  Hence, as a mother, I had to fulfil the wishes or that mother."

Through the gift of earrings, Swami had demonstrated that "Truth expressed n the form of action is Love."  The doubts of those around were dissolved through tears in their eyes at the loving gesture of benevolent Mother Sai.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Swami, Forgive Me ...

Swami, You gave me so much in ample measures,
Forgetting You, I grabbed these worldly treasures.

Swami, You taught me the difference between wrong and right,
And yet, I chose to walk into gloomy night.

At times I forgot You in my thought, word and deed,
I prayed only when I was in Your need.

It was clear that I am not truly good,
Yet You always blessed me with shelter and food.

Swami, I knew that I was doing wrong,
As every day I sang the same old song.
Somehow I was drawn towards the music of vice,
Though I am aware that it is really not wise.

But before I got completely trapped in this quicksand,
you saved me by holding my tiny hand.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Advice to a Younger Me

All of us at some point in our lives have wished that we could write a letter to our younger selves. We have wished we could pass on the wisdom we have learned and help them to avoid some of the pain and struggles that we have gone through. I think that my own advice to the younger me would be quite simple. This is what I would say:

Wake up earlier more often and take the time to watch the sun rising over the hills.
Bend down to smell the flowers in the Spring.
Swim more in the Summer.
Play in the Fall leaves.
Make snow angels every Winter.
Turn the TV off in the afternoon and go play with your dogs instead.
Don’t rush through those Sunday family dinners. Savor every bite of food and joy in them.
Tell your Mom and Grandma you love them every day and hug them every chance you can.  
Don’t complain about chopping wood with your Dad. Enjoy every moment you have with him.
And don’t argue so much with your brothers. Life is too short to spend being miserable.
Stop being so shy. Other people are just like you inside.
Smile more. Laugh a lot. Sing often. They are joy creators.
Share a kind word every chance you get.
Give your inner goodness to everyone.
Don’t worry about the future. Instead enjoy this day God has given you.
Make the time to play with your young children. One day you will blink and they will be as big as you are.
Quit wishing you were rich in money. Yet rejoice at being rich in heart.
Realize that happiness is simple. It is we who are complicated.
Know in your heart that God loves you just as you are.
Know in your heart that you can love too. Then go out and share your love with the world.
When you do you will have the joy you have always longed for.
     How I wish I could give this advice to the younger me, but I can’t. He probably wouldn’t have listened anyway. Still, it isn’t too late to follow this advice today and that is all that matters.

~  Joseph J. Mazzella

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Ask a Cloud

“Sometimes people ask you: "When is your birthday?" But you might ask yourself a more interesting question: "Before that day which is called my birthday, where was I?" 

Ask a cloud: "What is your date of birth? Before you were born, where were you?"

If you ask the cloud, "How old are you? Can you give me your date of birth?" you can listen deeply and you may hear a reply. You can imagine the cloud being born. Before being born it was the water on the ocean's surface. Or it was in the river and then it became vapor. It was also the sun because the sun makes the vapor. The wind is there too, helping the water to become a cloud. The cloud does not come from nothing; there has been only a change in form. It is not a birth of something out of nothing.

Sooner or later, the cloud will change into rain or snow or ice. If you look deeply into the rain, you can see the cloud. The cloud is not lost; it is transformed into rain, and the rain is transformed into grass and the grass into cows and then to milk and then into the ice cream you eat. Today if you eat an ice cream, give yourself time to look at the ice cream and say: "Hello, cloud! I recognize you.” 

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

Divine Wisdom

Thursday, September 7, 2017


"Transformation must begin with the individual. When the individual changes, the world will change. This transformation has to take place in the minds of men. Right thoughts will lead to right actions. That is why the scriptures have declared that the mind is the cause of man's bondage or liberation."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Discourse to the Fifth World Conference of Sathya Sai Seva Organizations 
on 20-11-1990 at the Hill View Stadium)

Sai Blossoms

Baba's Storytime - To Forgive is Divine

Students today are completely lost in studies which are worldly- and ephemeral. Spiritual knowledge is ridiculed. Spirituality is treated as a kind of hysteria. 

Once an ochre-robed person, was going in a bazaar. School boys and college students followed him, talking flippantly about him. He took no notice of them. He was proceeding from one village to another. The students indulged in all kinds of abusive language with a view to provoking the mendicant. But the mendicant walked on and sat under a tree on the outskirts of the village. 

The students went on railing at him and exhausted all their stock of abuse. As they were silent the mendicant asked them, "Children, have you any more words to be used against me? Come out with them even now, as I have to go to the next village." 

One insolent youth among them asked: "What will happen when you go to the next village?"

 The mendicant replied' "Child, I will do nothing. Praise or blame attaches only to this body and not to my Self. But there are in the next village a large number of people who have high regard for me. If you indulge in your abuses of me there, the villagers will trash you. To save you from this experience I am informing you in advance."

On hearing this, the students had a change of heart. They felt: "In spite of all the abuses we levelled at him, this noble being was totally unaffected, did not lose his temper and taught us the right behaviour." 

They prostrated at the feet of the mendicant and craved for his Kshama (forgiveness). 

To forgive is Divine Forgiveness is a quality that every man should possess. That forgiveness is Truth itself, it is Righteousness, it is the Vedha. It is the supreme virtue in this world. Hence, all people should develop the quality of forgiveness. People should remain unaffected by what others may say. A true man is one who overcomes the ups and downs of life with fortitude. One should not recoil before reverses of fortune. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sai Madhuryam

Like a feast to a starving man, 
Like rain for the parched earth, 
Like a child to one yearning for a son, 
The Lord comes to protect Dharma 
And save the virtuous and the good.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Men are Born to Serve

"Seva brings out all that is great in man. It broadens the heart and widens one's vision. It fills one with joy. It promotes unity. It proclaims the truth of the Spirit. It drives out all the evil qualities in a man. It must be regarded as a great spiritual discipline. You are born to serve, not to dominate. Everyone in the world is a servant and not a master. All relationships - husband and wife, mother and child, the employer and employee are based on mutual service. The world is progressing because of such mutual service. If the principle of service did not operate, the world would come to a halt."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Discourse to the Fifth World Conference of Sathya Sai Seva Organizations 
on 20-11-1990 at the Hill View Stadium)


"When you point your finger at the faults of others,
 you must remember that three fingers are pointing at your own faults."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - Puurnathuthi Day, Oct. 1983)

Friday, September 1, 2017

Only One Life

A student of mine called Su-May came to my ESL class to learn English in her 70s. For many senior people, 70 is the age to take things easy, and they feel it’s too late to learn. But Su-May doesn’t think so. Time is so valuable to her that she particularly cherishes any opportunity to learn the things that she missed on when she was young. 

Seven years have passed, and she is still in my class. She regards learning as her ultimate goal in life, and her hard work has paid off. Su-May can now fluently recite every English lesson she learns in class. Compared to how she was when she first started attending my class, she is now active, smart, and energetic.

Dear friends, whether your life is colorful or dull is all determined by how you arrange your time. Hanging around, watching TV, or swiping your iPhone all day long will definitely bring you nothing of value. No matter how old you are, or what you are doing, stop wasting your time on non-productive activities. We only get to live one life, and it is very important that we use each day wisely, making our time both joyful and meaningful.

~ Glory Fu