Thursday, October 12, 2017

Baba's Storytime - Ingratitude

Ingratitude is rampant. Not only are people forgetting all the good that is done to them, but they are doing harm to those who have helped them. History provides a bitter example of such ingratitude. 

You are aware of Ghori Mohammed who invaded India several times and plundered the country. At last in one encounter with Raana Prithviraaj, he was defeated and captured by Prithviraaj. Prithviraaj pardoned him and let him off. 

Later on, by nefarious methods Ghori caught Prithviraaj. Then he decided to put an end to Prithviraaj's life. At that time, the Divine intervened, in answer to Prithviraaj's prayers, and an arrow released by Prithviraaj went straight to Ghori's neck and severed his head. Thus the evil-doer was punished by the Lord. 

The lesson is clear. Don't harbour ill-will towards anybody. Don't do any harm to others. Get rid of doubts and develop faith in God. People today are filled with doubts of every kind. By truthful speech, by generous hands, by listening to what is ennobling, people must overcome the untoward happenings of this Kali age. It is by these means that human life can be redeemed.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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