Thursday, December 7, 2017

Baba's Storytime - The Best Way to Serve God

One can serve God only through Shrama and Prema, (effort with love). The best way to serve God is to love all and serve all. 

There was an old lady in Mathura. She used to take blankets in the darkest hour of the night and distribute them to poor people who were shivering in the cold. 

One day she was bending her head and serving the poor. A few youths gathered there and asked her 
"Oh! Lady! while you are doing such selfless work, why are you bending your head and walking?"

She replied: “God has given so much of wealth to the people with so many hands. But I am able to serve the people only with my two hands. Is it not a thing about which I should feel ashamed?" 

We are not prepared to share with others and are only ready to receive whatever we can get. This is one way traffic. "There is no chance of immortality without doing sacrifice" say the Vedhas. You should sacrifice and share what you have with others. Then only you may have peace. You should make others happy. You must do the Saadhana of Sacrifice. You should provide help to other devotees. 

Charity is the beauty for hands and not decoration with bangles. The Mind is like a key to the lock of the heart. If you turn it towards God you get liberation; if you turn it towards the world you get into bondage. You should develop the feeling "Lokaas Samasthaas Sukhino Bhavanthu." You should aspire for world unity. Out of unity you get purity and from purity comes divinity. Now there is only community and enmity, which has to be eliminated. Prema is the binding factor to unite all humanity together. Therefore, cultivate Prema or Universal Love.

(From Bhagawan's Divine Discourses)

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