Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Divine Dream

Through hidden spaces of ether,
I see not the lands of astral or nether.
It is something beyond human race,
I saw it through my Baba's grace.

I saw a light, so pure, bright and ever high,
Verily like the Lord's Third Eye.
In that, Moon was a speck and Sun, a dot,
Ever free from fear and pain, as sought.

It has scaled hill, heaven and horizon,
Plains even the brightest galaxy in comparison.
In fact, it is that very source,
Reverberating in every atom as life force.

In that light there is neither day or night,
Neither seen any soul's sin or plight.
I exist myself, detached from the body or mind,
All are alike, it is difficult to trace and find.

This light splits time into several ages,
Present invisibly in all the life's stages.
Towards this light we all travel,
While the successful stand as a spiritual marvel.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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