Friday, March 2, 2018

Baba's Storytime - Truth

Men should learn to honour their promises. They should never go back on their word. Truth is the life breath of the spoken word. Many ancient rulers were prepared even to give up their lives for honouring their plighted word. 

Emperor Bali was Truth incarnate. Always devoted to the well-being of his subjects, he constantly strove to lead them in the path of truth and to ensure prosperity in his realm. Bali's grandfather, Prahlada, had the same noble qualities. 

Once there was an argument between Prahlada's son Virochana and the son of the sage Angirasa. Angirasa's son said that the debate should be conducted before a judge who should decide who was the winner in the argument. He said Virochana's father, Prahlada, should be the judge. Both went to Prahlada. They agreed that whoever lost in the debate should forfeit his life to the winner. 

Prahlada listened to the arguments impartially and declared that Virochana, his son, has lost and that Angirasa's son has won. Recognising Prahlada's total commitment to justice, without any concern for his relationship with his son, and admiring his sense of justice, Angirasa's son told Prahlada that he was giving back Virochana's life that had been forfeited to him. 

This is an illustration of the supreme value attached to truth in ancient times. Truth was esteemed as the very form of God. It is the foremost duty of man to uphold truth, lead the good life and share his joys with others.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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