Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sharing is Bliss

Long ago, a master brought his disciples to a temple atop a mountain to practise meditation and self-cultivation.  Upon arriving, the master planted some chrysanthemums in the garden.  The following autumn, the garden was an abundance of golden grandeur.

The village at the base of the mountain was filled with the scent of the garden.
Villagers began coming up the mountain in droves to enjoy the beauty of the flowers.  Every visitor appreciated the breathtaking scene.

One day, a villager visited the temple and asked the master for a few cuttings of the chrysanthemum plants for his garden.  Without hesitation, the generous master cut the best healthy stalks and gave them to him.

The news spread far and wide.  Each household wanted to have a few stalks to grow in their garden too.  As always, the magnanimous master was willing to share the joy of planting chrysanthemums with the villagers.  Before long, the temple garden was barren.  The disciples told the master of their disappointment a the destruction of their beloved garden of enchantment.

The master regarded them with deep peace in his eyes.  Smiling, he told his disciples that in three years' time, they would see the entire village filled with golden chrysanthemums, it would be an enthralling sight to behold.

"We must always share our gains with others," he told them.  "By doing so, we spread the happiness.  We may be left with little or nothing but the joy of sharing will reside in our hearts for as long as we live."

The disciples, feeling ashamed, nodded their heads in agreement, enlightened by the words of wisdom.

The secret to having true bliss is sharing your joys and gains.  Our willingness to share reflects our all-encompassing heart, a heart which thrives on the happiness of others.  It is by giving that we become rich.

(Story as told by Master Jinbodhi)

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