Monday, June 7, 2021

Sleep Less

Mr. Surya was a tall lean fellow who slouched at the shoulders and sort of walked with his legs bent at the knees.  As Swami was talking to us, Mr. Surya entered the shed and moved quietly along the opposite wall, apparently on some errand.

Swami looked at him.  "S-shaped man!" He said to us with a grin.  Then Swami referred to Prof. Kasturi.  "Model T car!" He said jokingly.  "Kasturi, how many hours do you sleep at night?"  "Only four hours, Swami." Kasturi replied.

"Yes, I know.  Too much passion!"  Swami teased him.

Then Swami said to us, "Before twenty one years, eight hours sleep is necessary.  After twenty one, only six hours.  After sixty, only four hours is necessary."

(From the book "Sai Humour").

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