Monday, September 23, 2024

Give Up Stimulants

Our present-day life is full of stimulants: the food is hot and spicy; the music is loud and noisy to the extent that our senses are benumbed.  When we are used to loud noise, we are not able to savour the lilting sounds of nature and music.  By eating hot food, we are unable to partake normal stuff.  Thus, we lose our basic auditory and olfactory senses.  Therefore, we should give up these stimulants.  The deeper we go inwards, the more we realise Oneness.  All that separates us from the others are the apparent "differences" due to superficial vision.  When we go deeper and deeper, we realise the Oneness.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)


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