Friday, June 4, 2021

Swami Answers All Our Prayers

This happened with a dear friend of mine, Lokesh Sriram who studied in Prasanthi Nilayam from his school days to his College days in Swami's Institute. After finishing his schooling in the High School, He wrote the entrance exams for the Institute, after that he went home confident of the letter of admission which never came.

When he came to know that he was not selected, he was devastated, he cried for days together. Why did Swami do this to him? What wrong had he committed in all the years in Prasanthi Nilayam? He sat for hours disillusioned with life. 

Once while going out, he went to the Pooja room and while praying saw the rose on Swami's Photo fall. He kept it thrice and managed to put it on the photo, just when he was leaving, he got a telegram saying that he was selected for the Institute. His joy knew no bounds. But how? His name was never there.

When he joined the Institute, Swami spoke to him in the Mandir portico saying that "He was with him during every prayer that he had done in his house" and that Swami had wanted him to understand the "Value of Studying in Swami's Institute" as he was taking things for granted about the admission.

This goes to show that wherever we are, Swami is always with us in our prayers, when one prays Swami is always with us, always.

Om Sai Ram.


"The Lord does not test a man just for fun; He does not pile calamity because He enjoys it. Examinations are held, to measure achievement and award marks and honors. You must ask to be examined, so that your progress may be recorded".


(From "Experiences of Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba)


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