Monday, July 5, 2021

Divine Grace

Q22:   Swami!  Why are we not the recipients of Divine grace?

Bhagawan:   It is not proper to feel so.  You are wrong if you think so.  God's grace is equally available to all of you.  He makes no distinction of caste, creed, sex, nationality and so on.  You should know that the defect is in you.  You have to cleanse the tumbler of your heart.  For example, it is raining heavily now.  If you want to collect water in a vessel, what you do is to keep it straight.  However, if you turn it downwards and put it upside down, is it possible to collect water?  The downpour of rain will be of no help at all.  

Therefore, we have to keep our hearts always pure and ready to receive the rain of grace.  We have to turn it towards the rain of God's love in order to collect it.  Is it not so?

(From: "Satyonpanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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