Sunday, August 29, 2021

Blessed Krishna Janmashtami


Sweeter than sugar,
tastier than curds,
Even sweeter than honey,
Is the chanting of the Divine Name!
Recite, oh mind, the nectarine name
of Shri Krishna forever.

"God reclines in every heart. That is His dwelling place. When Balarama complained about little Krishna to mother Yashodha, she felt sad. Balarama said, “Mother, does He not have milk and curd to eat at home? He is eating the mud from the streets.” God's words are mysterious and also hold in them a deep inner significance.

Mother held His hand and said, “Don't you find these things at home, why do you have to steal from other homes and eat mud from the streets?”

Krishna smiled and replied in a manner that would reveal the essence of Vedanta: "Mother, am I a mere child, or a silly brat, or a crazy fool to eat mud?" 

In this way Krishna, even though He was a child, was affirming His Divinity indirectly. God teaches profound lessons to mankind in this indirect manner. When God instructs man directly, man doesn’t understand these things, as his thoughts and thinking are restricted to the worldly pleasures and worldly way of thinking. Hence man cannot understand the transcendental. God's actions are always related to the inner realm (nivrithi). Moreover, many transformations in the ordinary ways of living are necessary to understand the inner significance of the ways of God."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 4.9.1996)

Happy Krishna Janmashtami!

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