Monday, August 9, 2021

Devotion of Hanuman


"Here is a fine illustration of the devotion of Hanuman to Rama. 

On the completion of the bridge and on the night before the march across to Lanka, Rama was reclining on the sands of the sea-shore in the cool bright moonlight with Sugreeva, Hanuman, Vibheshana, Jambavan, Angadha, Nala, Neela and others around him.  He was lying with his head on the lap of Lakshmana.  Suddenly he threw the question why the Moon had a mark on it and what that patch indicated.  

Each one ventured on an answer. Some said it was shadow of the earth, some that it indicated a big hollow or crack on the surface of the Moon , and some said it must be a huge heap of soil. Rama asked Hanuman, who had been silent for long, what he thought about it.  Hanuman said that it was the reflection on the Moon of the face of Rama which he adored! He had the unique fortune of visualising Rama in everything that he cast his eyes upon."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 13)

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