Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Learn a Lesson

"Learn a lesson from the insignificant ant.  When an ant spots a lump of sugar, it does not hide the fact and seek to consume it all alone.  Instead it moves round to collect its friends and kinsmen, for it loves to share with others the feast it has come upon.  The crow, a bird that is despised and often out-cast, when it discovers a little heap of food, caws repeatedly until its kith and kin gather at the place.  What is shared is more tasty; what is held back is bitter stuff.  Life is short and full of misery, so do all you can to derive joy from making others happy. If others are miserable, how can you be really happy?"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

(Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 13)

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