Saturday, August 28, 2021

Is It Necessary to Pray?

Is it necessary to pray to the Omniscient, Omnipresent Lord and request His help in our daily living? 

"Some people may have some doubts related to prayer. Of what avail is prayer? Will the Lord gratify all that we ask for in our prayers? He gives us only what He feels we need or deserve, is it not? Will the Lord like to give us all that we ask for in our prayers to Him? Of course, all these doubts can be resolved. If the devotee has dedicated everything — body, mind, and existence — to the Lord, He will Himself look after everything, for He will always be with the devotee. Under such conditions, there is no need for prayer. But have you so dedicated yourself and surrendered everything to the Lord? No. When losses occur, calamities come, or plans go awry, the devotee blames the Lord. Some, on the other hand, pray to Him to save them. If you avoid both of these, as well as reliance on others by placing complete faith on the Lord at all times, why should He deny you His grace? Why should He desist from helping you?"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Ch 7, Prasanthi Vahini)

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