Friday, August 20, 2021

"Now This is My Car"

Once a man brought a brand new car and asked Swami to accept it. Swami said that He did not want it. The man started crying but Swami replied,

"If I accept all the cars offered and they are all piled one on top of the other there will be no space to walk. So I do not want it."

Then Swami gave him an interview but still the man was crying in the interview for Swami to accept the car.  Bhagavan said, "Alright, where are the keys?"

Swami took the keys saying,

"Now this is my car. You run the car in My name; the car belongs to Me. You use it, you understand."
He gave him back the keys.

“I belong to the whole universe”

This is the hand that never receives, only gives and gives. I recall the speech made by Smt. M S Subbulakshmi before her concert at Guntur attended by 10,000 people. She told us,

"I am a devotee of Bhagavan. I have visited so many universities and educational centres and charitable institutions. Wherever I go the trustees ask me to give a musical concert to raise funds; and in this way so many institutions have been built."

But I went to Prashanti Nilayam where instead of asking me to perform, Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba gave me a diamond necklace and it is my experience that He never accepts anything."

Once I said to Swami concerning some matter,  "In our area things will not happen like that."

"Why do you say our? I belong to everybody; do not say our place,
I belong to the whole world. I belong to the whole universe."

We are in front of the Cosmic Personality, the Divine Personality and we are an international fraternity.

Jai Sai Ram!

(From Prof. K. Anil Kumar’s talk delivered in the Divine Presence on the 13th July 2004)

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