Friday, August 13, 2021


Q108: Swami! 
What is it that we should have in order to deserve your prapti?

Bhagawan: Your interest is the most important thing.  With this you can achieve anything in life.  When you have trust in a particular matter or a subject or a person, you are said to have interest in that matter or that subject or that person.  Since you have immense interest in Swami, you run fast and occupy the front rows close to my feet.  Isn't it so?  During the morning time, in silence you wait anxiously for Swami and that is why even the slightest sounds such as the sound of closing the door of Swami's car makes you think and alerts you that Swami is coming towards you.  Whosoever comes to the scene at that time is expected to convey some message of Swami's arrival.  What is the reason?  This is all due to your interest in Swami.  If you have no interest in Swami, you don't notice His presence even if He stands in front of you.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. l by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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