Sunday, August 15, 2021

Repeat the Gayathri

"The Gayathri is usually repeated at dawn, mid noon and dusk. But God being beyond time, it is a result of limitations that we talk of dawn and dusk.  When we move away from the Sun, it is dusk; when we move into the light of the Sun, it is dawn. So you need not be bound by the three points of time to recite the prayer. It can be repeated always and everywhere, only one has ensure that the mind is pure. 

I would advise you young people to recite it when you take your bath. Do not sing cheap and defiling film songs. Recite the Gayathri. When you bathe, the body is being cleansed; let your mind and intellect also be cleansed. 

Make it a point to repeat it when you bathe as well as before every meal, when you wake from sleep and you go to bed. And also repeat ’Shanthi’ thrice at the end, for that repetition will give Shanthi or peace to three entities in you - body, mind and soul."

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba  (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 13)

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