Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Bliss of (a Drive-by) Darshan

Swami had just finished giving the Bliss of His Darshan to the thousands who had assembled in Sai Kulwant Hall that afternoon. He then sat down in His chair on the verandah and listened blissfully to the Veda Chanting by the Institute boys. But something was amiss. There was a certain Divine restlessness and suddenly He got up and signaled to the boys, “ I will go out and return."

Swami goes out often in His car into Puttaparthi village, ostensibly for a drive. But the Avatar is really beyond the vagaries of the mind, in that He does not become bored and “needs” to go out for a drive to relax. In reality, it is His deep and unlimited Compassion and Love, that motivates Him to “go out for a drive”, so that He can give the Bliss of His Darshan to the hundreds of poor people of Puttaparthi, who are unable to come to Sai Kulwant Hall, engrossed as they are in their own day to day chores and engaged in the task of earning a livelihood. It is also the plight of the sick, the old, the infirm, and not so able, who are unable to brave the crowds and come to Sai Kulwant Hall for His darshan, that perhaps prompts Him to go out Himself and bring ananda to all.

In a sense it is reminiscent of His Krishna Avatar days during the Dwaraka Yuga. Only then, it was the melodious sound of His flute, wafting gently through the village that would draw all the gopikas to Him.

The setting is the same, but the props in Kali Yuga are more contemporary. Now it is the strident high pitch tone of the police escort vehicle that acts as the clarion call and gives an advance warning of the imminent arrival of the Avatar. Housewives quickly shut off their stoves, have a quick peek in the mirror to make sure they are presentable and rush out. Teachers and village kids abandon their class-rooms; roadside barbers and their clients rush to the street; patrons of tea-stalls, curious passersby, passengers in public transport vehicles, farmers in the fields, almost everyone who has heard the siren, stop whatever they are doing and line up on both sides of the road, hands folded in supplication, anticipating eagerly the brief but glorious glimpse of the Avatar.

Soon the small red Maruti car comes into view. Cries of “Jai” (Victory) rent the air. Roadside flower girls do a roaring business, as many villagers buy flower garlands to toss onto His passing car. A few devout ones even break coconuts in front of His slow moving vehicle, as a mark of auspiciousness.

And Swami. He is calmness itself. The embodiment of Bliss providing bliss to one and all. His eyes dart quickly to all sides viewing everything and blessing everyone by His benevolent gaze. Occasionally, He raises His Hand, in the time-honored way, to bless a bystander. And slowly the caravan wends its way, right up to Brahmanapalli village, just past the Music College and Gokulam. At the end of the road, at a convenient point, He directs the car to make a U-turn to return.

Stragglers and latecomers who did not come out in a timely manner the first time around, have now joined the crowd to at least get His darshan on the return trip. Usually the return trip is much slower due to the augmented crowd size. As the car approaches the Ganesh gate, there is now a crush of people waiting to catch His glimpse. Security is tight and the police have a tough time keeping the crowd away from the road. And soon He enters Sai Kulwant Hall. The car is covered with flowers and His face is wreathed in a big smile. He is now happy, as He has brought happiness to all.

(From: "Experiences by Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba" - Feb. 2004)

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