Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dear Boys ...

Dear Boys,

I suppose all the boys in the hostel are happy.  Is the discipline being properly maintained?  Exercise some control in regard to your thoughts, words and actions.  Understand and carry out Sai's command.  Work hard and study with interest.  Do not let down your parents in their hopes and expectations but strive to make them happy.  Studying in Sai's college, staying in Sai's Nilayam and being frequently in Sai's company, you should feel Sai's presence everywhere.  It is only when you understand and assimilate Sai's ideals of living that Sai's Grace is showered on you.

In My presence you display utmost obedience and reverence but in my physical absence, you indulge in careless and vulgar actions.  You may think that they are for your good but the truth is not hidden from Me.  Understand that Sai is Omnipresent.  If you really feel that Sai resides in your heart, then Sai's wish should be carried out in all your actions.  If not, it will be understood that you do not believe that Sai resides in your heart.

Sai is your Thai, Mai, Aayi.  So, do not give room to any ill feelings but conduct yourselves towards one another as brothers would.

~ Baba

(From a collection of letters written by Bhagawan to His students and published in the book "Prema Dhaara")

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