Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Swami Takes on a Heart Attack


"One day, all of a sudden, I left this body. Gangadgar Shetty, Narasimha Moorthy were surprised at this. Only these  two were there inside as it was not possible for others to come in. I told them: 

"There  is a widow  who always  thinks of Swami. She has two children. After the death of her husband, she took up a small job to maintain her family . She sustained a heart attack. The loss of her husband and her inability to run the family made her depressed. As the money was not sufficient, she joined  a part time job. But every  moment she used to chant the name, SAIRAM, SAIRAM, SAIRAM whole heartedly. In such a situation she suffered  a heart attack .In fact, she was to die. So I took  over her heart attack on Myself. For seven long  days I did not come down. I took upon Myself all her suffering and pain and made her healthy. After three days she sent a telegram. 'Swami, You came  and protected  me and my children.' She did not know that I had taken her disease on Myself. After a week, she came with her children."

I am ready to do any thing for the sake of those who have total faith and pure love.  But it is very difficult to find such devotees. However there are a few of them.  If there are no noble  people, how is it that  you find  daylight  on this world?  There are many sacred people  in this country as well as  in this world. Do not limit  spirituality  to Bharath, it is  present  all over  the world.  Truly speaking  it is  more  in foreign  countries, than in  Bhaarath. Indians  do not know  what is  Brahmasuthras, Upanishads and Bhagawat Geeta. But, the foreigners have learnt  Bhagawat Geeta by heart." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

(Divine Dasara Discourse - 29.9.1998)

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