Sunday, October 10, 2021

Time is Precious


"Time is GOD, so don't waste time. I feel very sad when I find you wasting time. I always say, " MY LIFE IS MY  MESSAGE". I never waste even a moment. You think that after dining Swami goes and sleeps. But, actually I do not know what sleep is! I never sleep. As you know, I collect letters from you. I see some of them immediately. I spend time in a most  sacred way. But I do not require anything. I do not require anything. I don't need anything for Myself. I do not  need anything in all the three worlds. Still, I am engaged  in activity  from dawn to dusk in order to set an ideal. From top to toe, there is no trace of selfishness in Me. Believe it or not, I always spend My time for others. I always give, but never receive. I ask for only one thing and that is pure love. I am ready to give My life for those who offer  their pure love. You cannot understand  My work. Only men of sacrifice  can understand this. I am always  engaged in activity. I do something  or the other. Even while resting I am working. I have to take rest for other's sake. Otherwise they too do not take rest. To give them rest, I take rest. What is My rest? Doing devotees' work is My rest."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Dasara Discourse - 29.9.1998)

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