Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sai - The Silent Protector


It happened in the year 1990. Bhagawan was in Kodaikanal, spending time with His children whom He had selected to accompany Him for about a month. 

One day, Swami called His driver and commanded him to get His car ready to go for a drive around Kodai. The driver was puzzled as it was not typical for Bhagawan to go anywhere in Kodai without His students, particularly at such an odd hour in the day. But nevertheless, he got the car readied and placed in front of Sai Shruthi. Swami entered the car and began directing the driver to a certain place. When they reached a jungled, swampy area, Swami had the driver stop the car. Swami got down and began walking through this thick jungle which was very slippery and loose. The driver, out of love and concern that the Lord's tender Lotus Feet might give way in the loose soil and that Swami would be injured, was cautiously walking ahead of Swami, making sure that there were no thorns and that the ground was not dangerous.

But Swami was walking as if on a mission...He darted right through a thick wooded area and finally reached a huge cliff. Reaching that, Swami stopped, and just stared intently at the horizon in front of Him and a small village which was at the bottom of the cliff. He stood there for a few minutes very casually, almost as if enjoying the beautiful scenery of Kodai. 

After some time, Swami turned around, walked back to the car along with the driver, and returned to Sai Shruthi. Now this driver was utterly confused, as the whole affair had seemed so random and even pointless. He won dered what the meaning of Swami driving all the way just to look at a cliff could be. 

Later that day, there were torrential rains that lasted for quite a while. The next day, this devotee was seated at Swami's Lotus Feet, enjoying His sannidhi. Seeing that Swami was in a benevolent mood, he ventured to ask, "Swami, what was the significance behind you going to that cliff yesterday?" Swami very emphatically replied, "I knew it was going to rain yesterday, as a result of which the loose soil on top of the cliff would have created a huge landslide that would have wiped out the entire village which was below. So I stood on that soil, making it more solid so that that landslide could be prevented!"

Such is the power of the Lotus Feet of the Lord. "Brahma Kadigina Paadamu...Brahmamu Tanenee Paadamu..." Those Lotus Feet are worshiped by Lord Brahma Himself, and in fact they are verily Brahman Himself. It is this same Lotus Feet that changed a rock into Devi Ahalya just by a mere is this same Lotus Feet from which all sacred rivers is that same Lotus Feet which is the refuge for each and every one of us. How silently and lovingly Swami protects each of us, without seeking even a thank you in return! All we can do is chant the glory of those Lotus Feet in gratitude and joy, and pray that we always remain there, serving Him until our last breath.


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