Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Happy Diwali


What is the real victory we must achieve and celebrate? 

"The life story of Narakasura reveals the magnitude of his wickedness. His entire realm was plunged in darkness. There were no lights in the homes or in the streets. He had imprisoned thousands of princesses and tortured innumerable women. Unable to bear these indignities, the women appealed to Krishna for succour. As Narakasura had inflicted sufferings on women, he had to be punished by a woman. For this reason, Krishna took Sathyabhama with Him and destroyed him in battle.  Deepavali has to be observed as a day for getting rid of all the bad qualities in us, symbolised by the demon Narakasura. The Gopikas who were freed on that day represent the imprisoned good qualities in us. They should be manifested effulgently. This is the inner significance of the festival. As long as the demonic qualities remain, one will be immersed in darkness. I desire that our festivals and the holy days be observed in the right spirit, with an understanding of their inner significance."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 9.11.1988)

May Swami's light and love bring you peace and joy this Diwali!


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