Wednesday, November 3, 2021

This Diwali ....

This Diwali, instead of just wearing a new dress, can I change the way I address people?

This Diwali, instead of cleaning an already clean house, can I work on scrubbing my dusty heart?

This Diwali, instead of only lighting up my doorway, can I work on dispelling my internal darkness of old, hurtful and useless habits?

This Diwali, instead of only stuffing myself and suffering with sweets, can I give up the  bitterness in my heart?

This Diwali, instead of only bursting crackers, can I burst my egoistic pride?

Yes, I can and so can you!

This way God will quietly walk into our hearts and homes and illuminate our lives with Divinity.

Wishing you joy and peace!

(From a Whatsapp message) 

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