Monday, June 27, 2022

Daily Life

"You must pay attention to the small details in your daily life, for devotion (bhakthi) is not just a pose one strikes.  It is a series of little acts directed by the attitude of reverence for Divinity in all beings.  

Watch for the lie that lurks on the tongue, the violence that lurks behind your fist, the ego that lurks stealthily behind a deed.  Restrain them before they grow into habits and settle down as character to thwart your destiny.  

God is like a shopkeeper who has a store full of all the things that you need in your life.  If you, as a customer, go to the shop and ask for a towel, can the shopkeeper hand out a shirt?  God is like that, He hands out exactly what you ask for.  Material things are not at all important.  Discriminate and ask God for devotion (bhakthi) and spiritual wisdom (Jnana)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

(Divine Discourse - 13.8.1964)

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