Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Make Best Use of Time

Why is it important not to fritter away time? And how do we make the best use of it? 

"Pure and pious qualities are immanent in man. He should manifest these inherent pure feelings and not the animal and artificial qualities. But man today is going down-hill morally. With all these contrived situations, the world has become a morose and lifeless place. If money is lost, it can be earned again. If health is lost, it may be possible to regain it. But if time is lost, it can never be regained. So, man should utilise the time at his disposal in the right manner. 

Money decreases only when you spend it. But man’s lifespan decreases on its own with the passage of time. Every individual should be aware of the sharp scimitar called time hanging over his head ever ready to strike. You should be careful. You should not become its victim. Time wasted cannot be regained. It is not like health and money, which can be regained. 

Embodiments of Love! To sanctify time, you should take up virtuous actions. Good actions are the result of good feelings only. You should cultivate such pure and divine feelings."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~!

(Divine Discourse - 5.3.2000)

Develop the inward vision and taste the bliss it gives for at least half a minute every day; that will surely confer on you great strength and security – BABA

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