Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gems of Wisdom


“To talk to the world we need a phone. And to talk to God, silence is required. When you talk on the phone, you have to pay a bill, and when you talk to God, you have to surrender your heart..”

“A little bit of guilt is good. It does not allow you to get into a cycle of actions that are not good for you and for others. When such an action happens, the guilt in you acts like a brake for you not to continue the same act.”

“If you are angry or worried, others may feel the same about you. They may want to be away from you. You wonder why this person wants to be away from me. Neither at home nor at school are we taught how to transform the energy in our body. That is why meditation, pranayama, satsang are so important to uplift your consciousness.”

“Don't think that you are not worthy of knowledge. You cannot be your own examiner. You are here among the billions that are in the world. That itself shows you have worth! And you will always be given what you are capable of digesting. “

“Be a witness , not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others.  Listen to your heart, not to the crowd.”

“Fear is lack of love, only one thing can eliminate fear, and that is love”

Samastha Lokha Sukhino Bhavanthu

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