Friday, August 30, 2024

Ways of Worship

Q16: Swami, of these two ways of worship, the aspect with form and the other, the formless, which is greater?

Bhagawan: In my opinion, both are equal.  One is not in any way greater than the other.  Now you are in Coimbatore.  Here the land is plain, without any ups and downs.  The level of the land is the same throughout.  Nobody levelled it.  Nobody prepared ground like this.  The form of Coimbatore is like this.  Its design is like this.  But Kodaikanal is located on  the hills.  Nobody assembled hills there.  Its form is of that sort.  Coimbatore and Kodaikanal are different from one another.  Each one is full but in its own way.  So, also, the two methods of worship, one with form and the other formless, are equally beneficial to the seekers of truth and aspirants of spiritual enlightenment.

(From the book "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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