Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sai Madhuryam


Whether He is described as

Cosmic Consciousness (Chaithanya)

Or the Indwelling Knower (Kshetrajna)

Or the Supreme Wisdom (Jnana)

Or the Ego or the Supreme Lord (Easwara)

Or Vishnu or Brahma

Or the Primordial Energy

Or the Bliss Divine (Ananda)

Or the Abode of the Divine (Parmapadam)

Or as the Atma or as Sath-Chith-Ananda

All are various names and forms

of the Supreme Self, which is nameless

The Cosmos is permeated by Hari

Nothing can be found in the Universe

Without the Divine in it.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

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