Monday, September 9, 2024


"Childhood, boyhood, youth and old age are stages through which the body passes in its natural course.  Each stage is short and transforms itself into the next without notice.  Do not believe that youth can be retained indefinitely, and develop a fascination for the passions it arouses.  Whenever the flesh urges you to fall into falsehood, stand up bravely; do not yield.  Stand firm against the temptation.  Keep good company.  When dust seeks the company of air, it rises up to the sky; when it seeks the company of water, it is carried into the deep hollows.  When iron keeps company with fire, it becomes bright and pure; when it joins the company of the earth, it rusts and soon becomes dust.  When the individual is strong and bold, the family is prosperous; when the villages are happy, the country is secure and strong; when countries are strong and happy, the world is prosperous and full of joy."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(From Bhagawan's speech at a Public Meeting in Kampala, 8.7.1968)

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