During Bhagawan Baba's 72nd birthday on 23rd November 1997, he gave us 4 mottoes and 5 vital things to follow:-
1) Avoid bad company
2) Welcome association with good persons
3) Remember always the distinction between transient and the permanent
4) Ceaselessly engage yourselves in meritorious deeds
1) Misuse of money is evil. Don't waste money. For example: If you wish to keep a photograph of Bhagawan Baba, have only one. Why do you waste money by buying too many photographs?
2) Do not waste food. Waste of food is waste of God. Realise that food is God. Your body is the product of the food taken by your parents.
3) Do not waste time. Time is God. Time wasted is life wasted.
4) Do not waste energy. When you speak, hear, act or think, energy is expended. In every one of these, you should see that you do not waste your energy unnecessarily.
5) Every moment, do not forget God whatever you may be doing. God is with you, beside you and around you always.
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