Once Sathyabhama and Rukmini questioned Lord Krishna: "Why do you always make much of the devotion of Draupadi? Is she that great?" The Lord replied with a smile, "I shall let you know by and by."
One day, Draupadi came to visit her dear brother
Draupadi welcomed them with love and excitement. She had just taken an oil bath and her long tresses were hanging loose. She was combing her hair. The Lord looked at his queens and said: "See! My sister seems to find it difficult to comb her long tresses. Why don't you both help her?"
Sathyabhama and Rukmini readily agreed. The tresses were parted, one half was taken care by Sathyabhama and the other by Rukmini.
While they were combing, they heard from every hair "Krishna", "
(Chinna Katha by Sri Sahtya Sai Baba)
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