A hermit was one day bathing in the Ganges when he saw a scorpion. This is God encased in the scorpion form and name, he felt; he wanted to save the scorpion. So he took it on his palm but when it stung him, he dropped it on the waters. Then he was stricken with remorse and so he lifted it up again. Thus it stung him five or six times but he persisted in his mission of mercy and at last managed to drop it on dry land so that it could go its way, alive and happy.

Man's nature is to achieve Jnana; Ananda is man's essence; Love is the bloodstream that sustains him; Peace is the vision that guides and directs him. That is the reason why he is addressed as "Amritasya putra", in the Upanishads; he is the son of immortality; he has no birth, no death."
(Chinna Katha from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
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