There once lived a man, who
had seven sons, but not a single daughter. Even though his wife was
exhausted from frequent child-bearing, the man continued to dream of
the day when his wife would give birth to a girl.
With her endless chores and
responsibilities as a mother of seven boys, the wife was overwhelmed
with despair and drained of all energy. Finally, in utter
desperation, she prayed to God to have mercy on her by guiding her
husband to give up his obsession to have a daughter.
God was moved to see how her once beautiful face had crippled under her burdens. He almost didn’t recognize her, even though He had crafted her as His divine gift to her husband for being a patient servant to Him.
God was moved to see how her once beautiful face had crippled under her burdens. He almost didn’t recognize her, even though He had crafted her as His divine gift to her husband for being a patient servant to Him.
In response to her prayers, God instructed the woman to send her husband to Him at sunrise. The man was thrilled to
learn that God had summoned him. He prepared for the blessed meeting
by grooming himself well and wearing his finest clothes. He asked his
wife to bake the most delicious bread for offering to God.
Upon daybreak the man took to
the road. He was ecstatic at the thought of God inviting him for a
meeting. He felt honoured and special for this privilege. In his
euphoria, he became so self-absorbed that he didn’t even notice the
morning dewdrops that sang to him like little tinklers among the green
lush blades of grass, nor did he notice flower buds about to blossom
upon the rise of the Sun, or birds that flapped their wings to create
the flow of wind for a fresher, cooler journey, or the soft sand on the
road that supported his feet for an easier walk. All he could think of
was his impending meeting with God.
When the man finally arrived, he found a big lock on the door to God’s house. The house was totally quite and deserted.
The man thought God was
probably engaged in His morning chores and was running a bit late. He
sat on God’s porch determined to wait for Him. He sat there day and
night without noticing how time passed by. All he saw was God honouring
him when they would finally meet. Time passed unnoticed, but God did not return.

He saw his wedding day;
that gentle look of his wife, that touch of her hand that soothed his
soul. He saw his wife sitting day and night by his bed when he was
sick and holding her cool, pale hand to his forehead to ease the fever
He remembered the taste of food that his wife gave him each day with such love and tenderness, and best of wishes.
He remembered the birth of each of his children when despite the great pain his wife preserved her calm and loving demeanour.
He remembered all the moments when he was happy, because this woman given to him by God was simply beside him.
Tears ran down his cheeks. He saw how blind he had been trying to find God where He wasn’t. God was by his wife all this time.
The man rose and ran home.
Upon entering his house, he saw God sitting next to his wife, sipping tea and enjoying cakes baked by her.
At once, the man fell at
his wife’s feet, bathing them in his tears, and sought her forgiveness
for his blindness and insensitivity towards her. The wife put her
cool, pale hand on the man’s head and he felt calm at once. He felt
love and peace filling up his heart. It was the blessing that his wife
always guarded in her heart to share with people around her.
God rose from the table,
thanked the lady for the sweet breads and headed for the door. The man
stayed kneeling in front of his wife.
When God was going through the door the man said quietly: “Thank You God for opening my eyes.”
God smiled fondly and
before walking away said: “It wasn’t I who opened your eyes, but your
wife’s baked bread that is made from the flour of peace and love. Your
wife has returned in your life, because she is My gift to you, that you
had once deserved. Let peace and love follow you and your family,
because God is there where love is.”
In almost every discourse,
Bhagavan Baba emphasises this principle of selfless and unconditional
love which is equal to the Divine. Love is selflessness, Baba says and
adds, “Love is God, Live in Love.” One must always be grateful for all
the ‘loves’ that fill our lives everyday in the form of mother, father,
sister, brother, wife, grandmother and so on. They are all gifts of
God and only when we treasure these gifts and love them sincerely, will
God love us increasingly.
- by Ms. Rita Ivanova, Latvia
(Source: Radio Sai)
(Source: Radio Sai)
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