When anyone accuses you and if you do not respond to it in a like manner, but ignore it, the
accusation returns to the accuser like a registered letter which the addressee declines to accept.
An incident in the life of Buddha illustrates this truth.
There used to be a village-chief who did not like Buddha's way of life. He used to look upon him
as a lazy person who was gathering round him young men and making them lead an idle life.
Buddha who was aware of the man's attitude, went to his house one day with his disciples and
begged for alms "Bhavathi! Bhikshaam Dehi" (Oh blessed one!Offer me alms).
The headman,
who had espied Buddha approaching the house and begging for alms, shouted: "You lazy fellow!
You don't deserve any alms. Get out! You have been wasting your time." The headman went on
abusing Buddha, calling him all kinds of names.
Buddha was amused and was smiling.
After exhausting his abuses, the headman calmed down and asked Buddha, "Sire! I have a doubt.
Will you clear it?"
Buddha said, "What is your doubt? Speak out."
The headman asked how
Buddha had remained unaffected by all the abuse he had levelled against the latter.
Buddha said,
"I came to you begging for food. Supposing you had brought the food and I had refused to take
it, what would you have done with the food?"
The man replied, "I would have taken it back."
Buddha then said, "Now, instead of food, you gave me all your abuse. I refused to receive it.
What happens to it? It goes back to you. I have no connection with it."
The headman learnt a
good lesson.
You should not be concerned with the goodness or badness of others. You have to entertain good
thoughts and direct your, mind towards God. Bliss is got by experiencing oneness with the
(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
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