During one Dasara festival, a certain visitor from Telangana received an urgent wire from home, informing him that his father-in-law had a stroke and his condition was creating anxiety. Baba asked him not to worry but a similar wire came the next day too.
Baba agreed to his going alone, leaving his wife for the festival, even though she was the daughter of the patient. When the son-in-law was leaving, Baba materialized vibuti and gave him with the instruction that it should be applied to the forehead of the patient.
The next day, however, about 8 o'clock in the evening, Baba was discussing the timings of the trains by which the son-in-law was proceeding. Quite suddenly, He sat up and said, "You were all wrong. His train is not so fast. He will not reach the patient before 9.00 p.m. Oh! What a pity!" Within a wink of the eye, Baba had "gone" out of His body. He was "away" for about half an hour and when He returned, He explained that He felt happy that He could apply vibhuti Himself to the sick man in Telangana.
Someone asked Baba whether He used the same vibuthi that He had given to the son-in-law when he left. "Yes", Baba said. "You will know that when he returns. Ask him and he will say that the packet was empty when he went to his father-in-law."
It was so. The son-in-law came back and reported that He was accused by his relatives for being so careless about the precious vibhuti. They all took the empty paper and rubbed their fingers over it in order to collect at least the tracings of the holy vibhuti.
(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")
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