Kasturi, while on his tour of the Eastern States, was persuaded by Colonel AK.A.A.Raja, Lt.Governor of Arunachai Pradesh, to visit Tezpur. He had arranged a meeting at Raj Bhavan where Kasturi was asked to address the officers, civilian and military, about Bhagawan's message. After Kasturi finished his address, the Governor announced that he too was a devotee of Bhagawan, having found in Him the very Divine Form that he had been adoring for years.
He related to them an incident of Raj Bhavan itself. A gigantic bamboo cluster in the Raj Bhavan's estate round which there were tents for Nepali workmen, caught fire. The raging flames leaped high and when the thick hollow reeds burst in the heat, the sound rose like crackers. The Governor was not in town. His wife rushed out into the portico and saw the conflagration. She called out "Sai Baba".
The fire came down in five seconds. Not even a dozen fire engines could have done that job. The call had brought down the response.
The Governor invited the gathering to move out into the open with him and look at the cluster. The miracle was there for all to see and wonder. Up to eighteen feet from the ground, every single bamboo had a black tip, demonstrating beyond possibility of doubt that the fire had to obey, instantly and without demur, the Loving command will of Sai, which had answered the prayer from a devoted heart.
(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")
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