Alas, the most dreadful and darkest clouds,
Overshadow the little sparks of my existence,
Most Beloved Bhagawan, please save me.
A series of ill-fated, destructive waves,
Slash the shores of my ambition,
O! All Knowing One, please guide me.
The Omnipresent Swami replies: "Dear child,
These clouds are nothing but your crowded fears,
Why to fear, when I am here.
These waves are distractive, not destructive,
If your sole ambition is to reach Me,
I shall row your boat in this tempest of life.
All that I need is your heart filled prayer,
For I am standing behind, waiting for your call,
To catch you even before you fall."
~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")
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