This incident happened when Geeta Ram was eight years old. Her grandmother who lived in Parthi, had been sent by Swami to Bangalore for an eye check up. After the check up, she was advised surgery. She had deep faith in Swami and wanted to go back to Parthi for Swami's blessings. Dr. Padmanabhan demurred because he felt there was no need for further blessings since it was He who had sent her to Bangalore in the first place, but his mother was not convinced. She insisted on Swami's blessings as a prerequisite for surgery.
Geeta's parents had gone out somewhere in the evening when suddenly the phone rang. It was a trunk call from Bukkapatnam and Swami was there on the telephone. Those days there was no phone service in Parthi. Geeta picked up the phone and heard Swami asking if that was Geeta. She said, "Yes, Swami." He said, "Is the old lady complaining? Put her on the phone." Her grandmother started complaining to Swami that she was not being allowed to come to Him and that the doctors will blind her and so on. Swami told her that His blessings were with her but that did not satisfy her. What she wanted was His vibhuti and without it, how could she go to the surgery? This was the kind of personal love she had for Him.
Anyway on Swami's telling her, she gave the phone to Geeta. He said, "Geeta, can you find a piece of paper anywhere around?" On her confirmation, He told Geeta to put the paper near the receiver. She put the receiver down near the sheet of paper and there came a mound of vibuthi onto the paper, enough for the whole month! And then Swami said very sweetly, "Vachinda (Did you get it?)? Give it to the old woman, she will be very happy."
(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")
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