Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dawn After a Dark Night

An upright and honest Govt. officer named Kumar was unjustly blamed for stealing office cash.  The judgement went against him and he was awarded a prison sentence of two years.  His family of wife and four children suffered untold hardships due to lack of funds, as a result of the punishment imposed upon an honest person on a false charge.  Her parents, brothers and father-in-law refused to help unless she threw away all the pictures of Sathya Sai Baba.  She was a true devotee and refused to remove Baba's pictures and with great difficulty managed the family by doing household jobs to augment her meagre resources.

One day someone gave her Rs.2/- to buy flowers for Baba.  Unknown to her, her husband was released from prison that very day and at this moment, he entered the house.  She gave him the money to buy fruit and betel leaves for bhajan.  He bought these and also bought some poison.  

The bhajan started.  The husband went inside the kitchen and mixed poison in two glasses of water.  After bhajan people ate prasad and departed.  He took his wife aside and told her, "Nobody will give a job to one who has gone to jail.  I am shamed to show my face to anybody. Let us drink this poison as Baba's prasad and end our lives."

When they were about to drink, two legs kicked the glasses shouting "idiots".  The glasses broke and so did their bad spell.  They heard a Divine voice, "You have withstood all the difficult problems and your good time starts from tomorrow.  At this time like fools, you are planning to drink poison.  Tomorrow your son and daughter will be getting their appointment letters for the posts they had applied for."  Even before they could recover from this example of Baba's grace, they received a letter from the Thriveni office, where Kumar used to work, stating that they regretted the mistake on their part as the real culprit had been caught and asked him to rejoin his job.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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