Saturday, September 26, 2020

Blessed Shirdi Sai Janmashtami

 After a tiring span of five thousand years,

The time-God, yet again adorned to his senses,

Hastily, he began to bejewel both sky and sea,

With dazzling rainbows and glittering pearls.

Over the horizon, he spilled the celestial vibrations,

And filled the atmosphere with Divine fragrance,

That created utmost holy ambience,

To welcome the Triple Incarnations of the Supreme.

And lo!  The first incarnation was born,

To Devagiriamma and Ganga Bhavadia,

After few years, He reached Shirdi,

Bhagat Mahalsapati accosted Him as Sai.

Since then He was hailed as Shirdi Sai,

Gracefully handsome, with a cloth cap on His head,

A long kafni and satka under His arm

Blazing in matchless exhibition of mystifying charm.

His behaviour was at times strange,

And seemingly even outrageous,

But His heart was a fountain of compassion.

He stayed in an old masjid,

And performed Hindu rituals,

With the primary goal to reconstruct,

The broken bridge between Hindu and Muslim.

His pastimes were gardening around mosque,

And burning lamps every evening,

And sometimes with small bells tied to His ankles,

Baba danced beautifully and sang with tender love.

Blessed indeed is the land of Shirdi,

As the Lord of Lords,

Walked over those lanes and by lanes,

Seeking alms from every home.

Receiving those offerings of householders,

In a tin pot and triangular piece of cloth,

He mercifully absorbed their sin and sloth.

He always lived for others,

Uniting Hindu and Muslims as brothers.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~

(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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