Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sai Wit & Wisdom - Learning Vedas


Dr. Gokak, the first Vice-chancellor of SSSIHL, was amazed to see Swami quoting extensively from Vedas and Upanishads and their commentaries from eminent scholars.  He has not seen Swami studying Vedic literature at any time.  Gokok took boldness and asked Him, "Swami, when did you study all this?"  Bhagawan smilingly answered, "Gokak, I do not have the bad habit of studying books and quoting from them!  All knowledge that is in the universe is also in the head of every man.  There are many centres of knowledge in human brain each pertaining to one field of knowledge.  If you learn to focus your mind on any one of these centres, all knowledge in that particular field will open up itself for you.  That was how Vedas were revealed to the sages of the yore."

The intellectual in Gokak felt totally humbled by this reply.  He fell at the Lotus Feet of Swami.

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" compiled by P. Guumoorthy)

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