Sunday, November 29, 2020

Baby's Storytime - Baby's Invitation

Krishna was only a few weeks old, when a certain ascetic came into the house of Nanda. Yas'odâ was having the baby in her lap. Of course this is an incident not found in any book; I Myself have to 
tell you this. 

The maids ran in for they were afraid the child might start weeping at the sight of the uncouth figure. He walked in nevertheless, and Yas'odâ found that when he was sent away, the baby raised a cry, not when he was approaching. The Muni also announced himself as having come to see Krishnaparamâtmâ, a name that was new to the entire family. No wonder, the baby cried when that distinguished visitor was asked to go! Devakî had been given the vision of Krishna being the Lord Himself but this Muni had discovered the arrival of the Avatâr, by the Grace of the Almighty. It was the Baby who had invited the Muni for His Darshan.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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