Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Q77: Swami!  Is it necessary for us to observe strict austerity and follow discipline only inside an ashram or in the society outside as well?

Bhagawan: I suggest that you follow discipline and lead a simple life wherever you live.  You may go to any place but there also you should always follow niyama, discipline, have s'raddha, sincerity, and take to sadhana, spiritual practice.  This is the spiritual way of life.

Out of two sick persons, one may be treated as an outpatient and the other may be admitted to a hospital depending on the ailment.  But, both should necessarily take  medicine for a cure, should not they?  Similarly, you may reside in an ashram or outside.  You should definitely follow discipline, be simple and lead a spiritual life.  As individuals caught in the cycle of birth and death, bhava roga, you need to take the medicine of sadhana.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. l by Prof.  K. Anil Kumar)

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