Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Sai Wit and Wisdom - Swami's Call

One day, when Rama Brahmam was on the ground floor of the mandir, Swami called out for him.  Rama Brahmam went to the kitchen to keep the flask, which he was holding in his hand at that time and then went to Bhagawan.  Bhagawan asked him, "Why have you come?"  Rama Brahmam replied, "Swami, you called me."  Swami sternly said, "I called you here a few minutes ago and not now."

A month later, Rama Brahmam was supervising the digging of a borewell in the farm behind Brindavan.  He Had taken with him some sweets given by Swami to be distributed to the workers.  After distributing the sweets, he was hurrying back to Brindavan where Swami was waiting for him.  In his hurry, he slipped and fell down.  When he was falling, he cried aloud, "Sai Ram!"  The fall did not injure him much except that his dress was soiled.

As he approached Bhagawan, Bhagawan told him, "Rama Brahmam, as soon as you called My Name, I rushed to the spot where you fell in the farm and protected you from severe injuries.  Otherwise you have have broken your limbs.  What would have happened if I had not come there as soon as you have called Me?  But when I call you, you take your own time to come to Me.  Is it alright?"

Rama Brahmam fell at the feet of Bhagawan and prayed for His forgiveness.

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" compiled by P. Gurumoorthy}

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