Durvasa was a reputed Vedic scholar; he had the music of the Sâma-Veda on his tongue and the cinders of anger in his eye, strange combination, indeed. Seeing this absurdity, Sarasvatî, the Goddess of education and scholarship (eternal companion of Lord Brahmâ), laughed in derision. The sage was stung to the quick; he threw a curse on Her and she was born on earth as the daughter of Atreya. There was a brother too, a feeble minded chap, incapable, in spite of the efforts of skilled teachers, of even pronouncing the Veda aright. He was beaten with a rod, but that only made him weep helplessly. Sarasvatî was moved with great pity. She intervened and saved him from physical torture. She taught him the four Vedas and the six S'âstras and he became a great master.
Meanwhile, the Veda had faded from human memory and, as a result, famine stalked the land. Rishis were reduced to skeletons. They yearned for the Veda, for that was the sustenance on which they lived. Sarasvata, the brother of Sarasvatî, prayed to Candra (demigod representing the order of the moon). She made the earth sprout forth edible plants or Sâka, on which the rishis decided to live. Sarasvata taught them the sixty different sections of the Vedas, but so thick was the fog that had descended on the Vedas that the sages who learnt them from him were confounded by cynical critics.
Nârada had to assure them that what they had learnt was the genuine Veda iself, but even he could not remove the stain of doubt. They jointly approached Lord Brahmâ. He said, "You were all able to get this vision of me as a result of your vedic study; you can yourself become Brahmâ‚ when you practise what you have studied." That was how Sarasvata Mahârishi revived the Vedas once in the past.
(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
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